Bexhill Enterprise Park North planning appeal
On 14 October 2019, Rother District Council refused planning permission for an employment use development scheme on Bexhill Enterprise Park North. The scheme was brought forward by developer Westcott Leach, on a reserved matters basis following the successful securing of outline planning permission for the site by Sea Change Sussex.
We and Westcott Leach appealed this decision, along with several related planning condition discharge applications following the non-determination of these by Rother District Council.
The appeals were combined and heard in January 2021. In April 2021, the Planning Inspector decided in our favour on all counts, paving the way for the scheme to move forward.
All the documents relating to the appeals can be viewed via the link below.
The documents are hosted on file storage system Dropbox, but you only need a browser and do not need Dropbox nor any other special software installed to access them. They are grouped into various folders and there is a Word document in the main folder which gives an index to all the documents available.